Thursday, May 12, 2016

Fort Mc Murray, Tulips, Gwendolyn the Cat

 This tulip got eaten by some animal, a squirrel, and left to die. It made me sad that this little bloom had not even a chance to bloom before it was sliced off and left for dead

The pictures of deer in the water looking like the classic deer in the headlights while all around them is orange, black red fire. It disturbs me deeply. My face hurts fromt he pain it triggers in me. The futility and loss the poor animals. The helplessness of not being able to help and not understanding how this can happen, what a cruel and tragic event. I know many people were displaced and lost so much too. It is the animals, the wild life that freaks me out so much. How life can be painful. It is hard to believe in good and things when things like this happen.

Please Loving God help all of the people, animals, wildlife, plants trees and just everything affected by this.

 I took it inside and out it in water

 After a few hours, look how it perked up even though the petals are a bit shattered

 These tulips are delightful with the amazing black centers

I sat outside and did a few gouache sketches.

Friday the 13th tomorrow. I am cooking pears in the oven.
Little Gwendolyn who makes me deeply happy.

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