One of those days. Over the past week and a half, I researched the mural. Spent hours on it. I read a million threads, watched youtubes, went to the library and took out some books, made sketches, did a couple small painting sketches, did more pencil sketches, bought canvas board, did more serious painting sketches, I even bought one of the colors I would need because I could get it at half price. I could take it back though so that is good. I called around priced it all, typed out a quote, printed it, and brought the canvas board and the quote in today.
The first thing he said was off-putting, and I immediately wished I hadnt bothered following through with all the work I did. He said they would just put more graffiti on it. He asked me to do because of the graffiti, and the first thing he says as a way to say he doesnt want it is that they will do graffiti on it.
I am my own worst business partner. I presented it like it was no big deal. I said the paintings I handed them were rough sketches and the finished piece would be more detailed and polished. As though the one I handed them was junk. I spent a fair amount of time on them anyway, why do I abandon myself like this?
I had a hard time putting a price on it and in the end decided on 800 for everything, the research, preliminary sketches, shopping the supplies, gessoing, edge protection, painting and varnishing it.
I originally had one 200 bucks more because it is far more detailed with a mother and baby cow, a red barn in the distance, moutains, lots of flowers in the front. I decided to leave them the same price.
I hadnt expected what happened to happen. I didnt take pictures of my paint sketches.
He said opening the envelope "Is this going to kill me, the price?" Really?
I told him it was a good price. So the wife loved the paintings, he said he did too. "Can we keep them?" "Can you cut it in half" so the two paintings were separate. "Can you sign it?" The husband said he would cut them in half.
I was all like "No big deal" which is a lie. He said he would give me something for the work I did. "You can give me some chicken" See? Me shooting myself in the foot. She laughed and repeated what I said like it was ridiculous, which it was. What should I have said?
I trotted around the store getting some stuff. I have credit already for a painting they paid off for one of their staff. I had chicken I had taken out of the freezer and a steak and a piece of fish in the freezer still. I got an organic chicken leg, some turkey kielbasa, and some frozen wings. I threw the chicken and wings in the freezer. She told me she would add something to the credit, "What shall I add?"
"I am terrible at this" What? Geez, no help from myself here. What should I have said?
"Forty bucks?" Really, argh
"Yeah that is fine." What should I have said?
"Tell me if it should be more" It isnt obvious?
"That is fine." No it isnt. I cannot blame them. I blame myself. I am not sure how to fix this.
Her, her daughter possibly, and the woman who bought a painting from me last year, and paid installments until her boss rewarded her with the rest of it as a gift for her ten year anniversary working with them, are coming to my Paint Night tomorrow. As well as Gituku's mom, the woman that introduced Gituku to Abaddon. (f@ck them). She is bringing two other women I dont know.
I am nervous. The one on Tuesday ddint happen but I picked up one on Wednesday next week.
I am in an upcoming show, The Starving Artist Gala, more about that another time.
I have some rice, broccoli, mushroom, onion, garlic and chicken to eat. Super tired, super long day, so much work.
Aside from finishing the quote and sketch paintings, I vaccummed, washed the floors, cleaned out the fridge put away loads of laundry, washed the mats, did so many dishes. I had to throw out stuff fromt he fridge I never got around to using, black sesame seeds, white ones and all sorts of things like that. I made a liner on one of the shelves out of gorilla tape, duct tape and parchment paper so the butter and things dont go flying out. It is an old and used fridge with shelves missing. Gituku got it for me for free when my other fridge broke.
This jazz music is making me feel good.
A guy on pof is set on meeting me. I am really busy. I dont really want to. He told me to stop what I was doing and go do stand-up. Then I would be in movies with Melissa Mc Carthy and Kristen Wiig. Right, how fun? Gosh I kind of believed him when he said that, but I am not that funny. I am but not as bright, I dunno, I wish I was, that would be so fun.
I am glad to be in bed now, super tired, just had a hot shower, washed my hair and now it is time to chill. Long long day. I am glad I got so much done.
I will get a picture of the paint sketches when I sign them, and pictures of the Paint Night too.
Someone in the States reads my posts, I think anyway. If so, I wonder who? I am small time, get very few views, which I admit I like, and one person, I think because the browser is the same, from the USA views my blog. I wonder who.
Dang my dinner was good. I have some tea to drink and feel so very tired. The music is lovely Stan Getz, The Peacocks, wow.