Black Friday, rainy and cold. I didnt leave the house except to feed the birds. When I went out there were a bunch of pigeon feathers. Some other thing ate the rest of the bird. It was deathly quiet out there, no birds around. I raked up all the feathers and said warm prayers for the poor bird.
Paint Night # 2 went well. Six women, one older the rest younger. PN#1 had six older women and one younger, interesting huh?
The Mourning Moon came and went. The Mourning Moon, the Fall full moon, the last one of the year before Winter. I read that it puts light into all the dark that happened over the last year. The things that didnt happen we let go of. Letting go of the dark. Gitiku, Gituku, Gituku, bye, send him away on feathers, like the pigeon prey consumed by the predator. Feathers flowat away from me and I let it go.
I took my pof profile down too. I am glad for the most part. It is a bit of a fun diversion but mostly it is not fun. It is like going into a stuffy building with no air inside. Now that I have crashed through the doubles doors to the fresh air outside, I dont want to go back in.
Men, geez. Not all men, thank God but a certain kind I attract like dryer lint, sticking to me and useless.
I will spare the stories for now. I just ate dinner, brown short-grained rice cooked in homemade chicken stock and the juice of a lemon. I cut up a carrot and a stick of celery, diced up a garlic clove, chopped up a cool small local onion, super hard and nice and put it in apple cider vinegar to pickle. I cooked a couple of eggs in coconut oil and added parmesean reggiano. I cut p a nice handful of cilantro and tossed the whole thing in butter, olive oil s&p, tumeric and hot sauce. Really good, have left overs. Topped it all off with a couple of homemade cookies outta the freezer. Mmmm.
Now to get back to painting. I wish I could paint better. I really do.
I have a lot to do, getting ready for the Starving Artist Gala. I love their mission statement.
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